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Randall's Archive

Jul Save That Comb

Jun Deciphering EPA’s Advisory on Varroa Mite Treatments

May Bearding Not Just For Santa

Apr Robbing Swarming or Orientation Flights

Mar  Help Others To Help Us

Feb Ten Verses Eight Frame

Jan It's Not Just Bee Stings Part 2

Varroa Mite Management

Blood-Sucking Baby-Killers Are After Your Bee

Deciphering EPA’s Advisory on Varroa Mite Treatments

Have You Been Bombed?

How Might We Smite Mites?

I Don't See Any Mites

Know Thy Enemy

Management Begins With Monitoring

The Oxalic Acid Label Law Has Changed

What IPM Really Means

What's The Deal With Oxalic Acid?

What's The Deal With Oxalic Acid? Part 2

Maladies and Pests

(Except Varroa Mites)

A New Old Tool to Fight Wax Moths

Burn Baby Burn

Chilled Brood

Love A Beetle?

Pity the Poor Wax Moth?

Safe Beetle Trap

Save That Comb

What's That Eating My Bees

Why Does Everyone Hate Ants

Wisdom Wins Out Regarding AFB Treatments

Colony Management

A Few More Wintering Tips

Beware the Ides of March

Controlling Winter Losses

Cut Out Basics

Free Bees?

Give The Old Girl A Break

Good Neighbors

Goodbye Spring, Hello Summer

Got Water?

Have Bees Will Travel

Let's Get Started

Making Splits Without Bananas

Maybe We Shouldn't Keep Honey Bees After All

Package Basics

Packages Vs. Nucs: Want To Fight About It?

Reducing Stings

Seasonal Management

Should We Tear Hives Apart In January

Summertime Space Management

Syrup Formula Basics

The Flip Side of Making Splits

What's An Inspection?

Where's Waldo? A Dozen Tips For Finding The Queen

Who You Gonna Call?

Why Are Swarms Bad?

Why Mark Queens?

Winter Inspections

Yum Yum, Eat 'Em Up?

Bee Biology and Behavior

Africanized Honey Bees

Bee Math

Bearding Not Just For Santa

Drones Don't Get No Respect

Honey Bee Colonies As A Superorganism

I Need To Buy A Queen... Or Do I?

My Bees All Left

Queen Development Timetable

Races of Honey Bees

Robbing Swarming or Orientation Flights

Robbin' The Hood

Swarm Season Is Here!

Yikes! Laying Workers!


9 Frames In A 10 Frame Box?

All Hail The Inner Cover

April Fool's Day Products

Beware Internet Bee Supplies

Build A Frame Popper

Building On A Firm Foundation

Capping Scratchers

Cell Phones In the Bee Yard

Don't Forget The Hive Stand!

Gadgets, Gizmos and Got-To-Haves

Let's Make A Bee Vac!

Let's Make A Frame Assembly Jig

Make Your Own Solar Wax Melter

Packages vs Nucs: Want To Fight About It?

Pretty Green Frames

Queen Excluder Honey Excluder

Refractometer Use and Calibration

Slatted Racks

Standard Equipment: How Standard Is It?

Ten Verses Eight Frame

What's In YOUR Smoker?

Window To The Bee World

Products Of The Hive

Bottling Honey For Sale

CBD Oil In Honey? Not So Fast!

Can Stings Be A Good Thing?

Extracting, Step By Step

Give Thanks For Honey!

Harvesting Tips

Honey With A Twist

Is Tigger Crazy?

Let's Make Mead

Making Money With Bees

Spinning Gold

Thanksgiving Delicacies From The Hive

The Rush Is On!

Why Honey Granulates

Foraging Plants

Hurray For Red Maples!

Hurray For Tulip Poplars!

Little Bee, Where Have You Been?

What's That Smell?

General Education

Are You Ready For A Challenge?

Bailey's In Africa

Beekeeping Myths

Get Thee To A Bee School!

Good Books For Winter Reading

Help Others To Help Us

I Don't Do It That Way

Investing in North Carolina's Beekeeping Future

It's Not Just Bee Stings Part 1

It's Not Just Bee Stings Part 2

It's Quiet Out There... Too Quiet

Just The Facts Ma'am!

Just The Facts, Part 2

Life Of A Bee Researcher

Local Beekeeper Associations: A Whole Lot Of Bang For The Buck

Mentoring AS A Defensive Strategy

New Year Resolutions for 2023

Save The Bees, Starting With Your Own

Slovenia Beekeeping

Spotlight on Bee Downtown's Justin Maness

Teaching Kids About Honey Bees

The Rest of the Story

The Right Bees For You

Those Aren't My Bees

Tips for Dealing With Honeybees at Hummingbird Feeders

We Have a Right to Keep Honey Bees

What Makes Ticks Tick?

What's The NCSBA Good For?

What's Your Story?

You Can Do It?

You've Got Mail!

Educational Links

Beekeeper holding a frame

Bee Friendly Plant List for Triangle Area of NC

An Oxalic Acid Tale by Tony Gaddis

Beekeeping Notes
Extension articles by the NC State Apiculture Program.

Apiary Inspectors
By clicking on a colored section of the linked map, you can obtain a large map of an Apiary Inspector’s assigned work area. The display will also include the Inspector’s name, city/town of residence, telephone number and e-mail address.

Apiary Program of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
The mission of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Apiary Program is to promote and protect the state’s beekeeping industry.

North Carolina Beekeepers Association (NCSBA)
The NCSBA is a volunteer led organization comprised of more than four thousand active members, almost all of which are hobbyist beekeepers that are also members of a network of local beekeeping associations.

NC State University Apiculture Program
The research focus of the NCSU Apiculture program is to further our understanding of honey bee biology and to better our ability of bee management.

Support Thank You Letter 1st Qtr 2024

Support Thank You Letter 4th Qtr 2023

Support Thank You Letter 3rd Qtr 2023

Support Thank You Letter 2nd Qtr 2023

Support Thank You Letter 1st Qtr 2023

Support Thank You Letter 4th Qtr 2022

Support Thank You Letter 3rd Qtr 2022

Support Thank You Letter 2nd Qtr 2022

Support Thank You Letter 1st Qtr 2022

National Honey Board (NHB)
The National Honey Board (NHB) is an industry-funded agriculture promotion group that works to educate consumers about the benefits and uses for honey and honey products through research, marketing and promotional programs.

Bee Informed Partnership
The Bee Informed Partnership is a collaboration of efforts across the country from some of the leading research labs and universities in agriculture and science to better understand honey bee declines in the United States.

Honey Bee Health Coalition
The Honey Bee Health Coalition brings together beekeepers, growers, researchers, government agencies, agribusinesses, conservation groups, manufacturers, and consumer brands to improve honey bee health by addressing multiple factors influencing bee health, including hive pests and disease, forage and nutrition, and exposure to crop pesticides.